1. Introduction

    1. How to use this guide
    2. License
    3. Resources
  2. Our approach

    Tips and standards for developing user-centered content.

    1. Content principles
    2. Address the user
    3. Avoid duplication
    4. Be concise
    5. Use plain language
    6. Structure the content
    7. Keep refining
    8. Giving and receiving feedback
  3. Our style

    Grammar, spelling, and mechanics.

    1. Abbreviations and acronyms
    2. Active voice
    3. Capitalization
    4. Conscious style
    5. Names
    6. Numbers and percentages
    7. Punctuation
    8. Specific words and phrases
    9. Voice and tone
  4. Content types

    Detailed guidance for web and print elements.

    1. Forms
    2. Headings and titles
    3. Images
    4. Technical and interface writing
    5. Trademarks and brands
    6. URLs and filenames