Upload and Sell your digital files online for FREE

Upload any digital file such as Apps, eBooks, Software, Music, and Videos. up to maximum of 2GB per file.

Register now & start selling
Enjoy unlimited product hosting with NO upfront payment/subscription fees.

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How it works

Process that gives you control on your products


Upload any digital file such as Apps, eBooks, Software, Music, and Videos. up to maximum of 2GB per file.


Promote your files on dedicated pages to increase product discovery and boost your earnings.

Get Paid

Accept payments through PayPal and get paid instantly. It's very easy and convenience, everyone can get paid.

Amazing features you want

We take care of all the hassles

Instant payment

We will never hold your money unnecessarily!Once the purchase has been made, your money will be deposited into your account immediately.

Unlimited bandwidth

Upload as many digital files as you like with no storage limits whatsoever and no risk.

Pay only when you earn

We will charge you a fee of only 3% per transaction but only when you actually sell. No risk, all profit! If you don't sell your digital file, there is nothing to pay!

Multi currency support

We allow you the convenience of selling in most common currencies and we help you with your digital goods taxes to declare.

Discount Codes

Our complete discount system helps you to provide your customers great offers.

Secure file storage

All files uploaded are hosted on the super secure, robust cloud based storage.

Simple pricing

We don't charge any upfront payment. Only pay 3% per transaction when you sell.
Register now & start selling