About this blog

Welcome to the Spotify HR Blog! Our company is changing the world, all while growing at hyper speed. In order for us to stay ahead, both our people and the company must develop faster than the world changes. This puts very special demands on us, the HR department, to create that environment where a diverse […]

Never forget about forgetting!

The other day I read an article about forgetting in the New York Times. It said that it’s actually good not to remember everything you learn. As I’m not the best at remembering names, places, movies or songs, this interesting piece gave me a glimmer of hope (could forgetting be a good thing?). Of course […]

6 recruitment trends to consider

You can’t be the best at everything. And in Talent Acquisition you don’t actually even want to be. Because the things that are right for Spotify and my department may be completely useless in another setting. So choosing consciously and going all in, is always better than to jump on every buzzword and be generically […]