{ "meta": { "greeting": "Welcome to Customer.io's edge event collection service. Enjoy your stay." }, "request_endpoints": [ { "POST /click/{token}": { "description": "Receives and processes a custom click track request.", "parameters": [ "token - string (required) - Token identifying the link being clicked" ] } }, { "POST /unsubscribe/{delivery_id}": { "description": "Unsubscribes a user from Customer.io.", "parameters": [ "delivery_id - string (required) - id of delivery to unsubscribe." ] } }, { "GET /unsubscribe": { "description": "Show an example unsubscribe page", "parameters": [] } }, { "GET /unsubscribe/{delivery_id}": { "description": "Unsubscribes a user from Customer.io.", "parameters": [ "delivery_id - string (required) - id of delivery to unsubscribe." ] } }, { "GET /deliveries": { "description": "Show details about view in browser.", "parameters": [] } }, { "GET /e/c/{payload}": { "description": "Tracks email link clicks and redirects to destination.", "parameters": [ "payload - string (required) - hash of tracked link information", "token - string - URL validation token" ] } }, { "GET /e/c/{payload}/{token}": { "description": "Tracks email link clicks and redirects to destination.", "parameters": [ "payload - string (required) - hash of tracked link information", "token - string - URL validation token" ] } }, { "GET /favicon.ico": { "description": "Returns Customer.io's favicon.", "parameters": [] } }, { "GET /deliveries/{delivery_id}": { "description": "View a delivery if publicly viewable.", "parameters": [ "delivery_id - string (required) - id of delivery to view" ] } }, { "GET /e/o/{payload}": { "description": "Tracks email opens and returns a pixel.", "parameters": [ "payload - string (required) - hash of tracked email information" ] } } ] }